I was wanting to get more use out of my current library of video games, as part of a personal justification to buy a new game system (why do I need an X-box 360 when I have a stack of games for my current systems that I haven’t even played though yet). So I’ve been slowly but surely making my way though some of the games that I already own with the intention of selling/trading them when I’ve finished. Now granted this approach doesn’t work for everyone; for example, I have a friend who plays through an older Zelda game about once a year, by his account, because he likes the story. I’m the kind of gamer that usually plays through games once and then I can be on to the next one. Video games that I keep around are more of the high re-playability games and group “party” games like, for me, the guitar hero series, Mario Kart, Wii Sports, etc… So I will make a page with this list that I will hopefully keep updated with my progress, but for now check below the fold for the current list of systems/games and where they all stand.
A little explanation first, I’m going to mark my progress as best I can for the games I have. Games that are crossed off will be sold/traded when finished otherwise they are kept. Obviously I can’t really trade or sell my PC games very easily so all of them are going to be kept. From newest console to oldest (PC games last):
- Lego Batman – More than half
- No More Heroes – Just Started
- Redsteel – Not Started
- Star Wars: Force Unleashed – Finished
- Zelda: twilight Princess – Finished
Nintendo DS
- Zelda: Phantom Hourglass – Finished
X-box (not 360)
- Halo
- Halo 2
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
- Devil May Cry
- Final Fantasy X
- Grand Theft Auto 3
- Grand Theft Auto Vice City
- Half-Life 2
- HL2 Episode 1
- HL2 Episode 2
- Portal – Finished Main Story